Youssef Ibrahim
Chassis Manager
Age: 23
From: London, United Kingdom
Course: MEng Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Design
Level: 5
Youssef joined Brunel Racing in 2014 as part of the first Brunel Shell Eco-Marathon team. He was responsible for producing new wheel designs to improve upon the ones in use on the car at the time. This year, he has joined the Formula Student team, as this project in particular is what attracted him to study mechanical engineering at Brunel University.
Youssef has taken on the role of the chassis manager, and as such is responsible for the design, build and testing of the Formula Student chassis. He will also design, build and test the impact attenuator to go in the nose of the vehicle.
Previously, Youssef has carried out work experience with Hurleypalmerflatt, an engineering consultancy firm based in the City of London. He has experience in management, from leading teams in previous projects as well as managing a team of people on expedition in Mongolia. He is excited to be taking on a new challenge with Formula Student this year and contributing to the success of the team.
Email address: me13yni@my.brunel.ac.uk